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Maxine Waters Backs off of Her Statement About Socializing the Oil Companies

June 23, 2008

 During the last senate hearings with the oil companies Maxine Waters said this,”This liberal will be all about socializing, uh, uh … would be about basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.”

 Maxine Waters could not help herself, her true feelings, and the feelings of the left came out. Just look at the words taking over and running that should be enough to make everyone realize who these people really are and what they believe. She said her true feelings back then but now she is backing away from them.

  Friday her spokesman had this to say about Maxine Waters’ past comments, “It was one comment in a long hearing, and it has continued to have a life of its own in the blogosphere,” he said. “It was not her intention to announce a big policy proposal. It’s not a developed policy proposal. It was not an intentional statement.”

 It was not an intentional statement? That isn’t exactly a vote against socializing the oil companies but rather an admission that she shouldn’t have made her true feelings public. She is who she is and she believes what she believes. She is a socialist pure and simple and now her spokesman is only saying that she shouldn’t have said what she did, he did not deny that she believes what she said.

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2 Comments leave one →
  1. June 23, 2008 8:16 pm

    The old Freudian slip…it just gets too difficult to hide one’s true self. Why not come out and openly declare who she really is? Oh yeah, because most people know deep down that socialism doesn’t work. They have to bring it to us little by little, so we won’t notice. Sort of like Barry Obama wishing the high gas prices happened more gradually.


  2. Terrant permalink
    June 23, 2008 9:19 pm

    Cat’s out of the bag for her. As much as I think that big oil is a despicable lot and they are big part of the problem, having the government run the show is a much worse proposition. See how Indiana toll road was ran before Gov. Daniels sold… whoops… I mean leased, it to a foreign company.


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