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Is it Still Patriotic to Oppose the President?

November 7, 2008

 In order to counter cries from the right that left was not patriotic the Democrats began to claim that opposing the president and his policies was in fact a patriotic thing to do. Hillary Clinton had this to say at one point:

 I am sick and tired of people who call you unpatriotic if you debate this administration’s policies. We are Americans and have the right to participate and debate any administration.

 The question now is, is it still patriotic to oppose an administration’s policies? Hillary claimed that is was patriotic to debate ANY administration’s policies.

 I oppose President-elect Obama, i oppose his policies and what he stands for. I intend to be right here writing about everything that Obama does that I do not agree with, and there is quite a bit. Does that make me patriotic? According to Hillary it does. Or does that only apply to certain administrations?

 The left attacks all of those who oppose Obama with smears and claims of racism. Evidently if you oppose Obama’s policies you are not only not patriotic but you are in fact a racist. When you try to debate the administration’s policies, as Hillary claims that we have the right to do, the left will smear you instead of debating your point.

 The racism card is a convenient and easy way out of debating the issues, it is easier to try and destroy a person by painting them as a racist than it is to debate them on the issues. Debating and opposing a person’s policies is not a personal attack, it is not the politics of personal destruction, it is a legitimate form of conversation on the issues that Americans are divided on.

 When you oppose President Bush you are patriotic, when you oppose president-elect Obama you are a racist. This overused and outdated smear is just plain insulting.

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4 Comments leave one →
  1. ctees permalink
    November 7, 2008 10:09 pm

    “I oppose President-elect Obama, i oppose his policies and what he stands for. I intend to be right here writing about everything that Obama does that I do not agree with, and there is quite a bit. Does that make me patriotic? According to Hillary it does. Or does that only apply to certain administrations?”

    Nope, it applies to everyone. It is your given right as an American and it is STILL the most patriotic thing you can do regardless of who is in office. If you don’t support his policies, stand up and say something about it. Write a congressman. Write a newspaper. DO SOMETHING. Anything.

    The question remains (again, for everyone) if you disagree with his policies and stances or do you disagree with him for some underlying reason (misinformation by the news media, racial or gender prejudice, etc). Hopefully we judge people not on any color, age, or gender but on the merit of their character.

    I agree with you in saying that some people claim you’re racist if you disagree with him, and that is stupid. If you disagree with the man and have an informed, intelligent viewpoint as to why you do not like the man or his policies, so be it. Thats patriotic. Sadly, some people just don’t see it that way, they only see it as a war between the races (still). Shame.


  2. Deb permalink
    November 8, 2008 10:38 am

    I have had the feeling since Wed morning that some on the right feel that they must respect the office of the president and are saying things like we must work with him, blah blah, Todd Feinberg on Boston talk radio AM in particular was making me want to vomit. I just can’t wait to watch Hannity tonight, maybe stop my impending brain hemmorhage.(sp)


  3. lincoln1861 permalink
    November 8, 2008 2:37 pm

    Pinkeyes…I couldn’t have said it better…except for maybe TR:

    Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president.

    To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, right or wrong – is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.

    Theodore Roosevelt (1858 – 1919)


  4. November 9, 2008 8:14 pm

    You might want to keep this number handy, it is supposed to be the Congressional Switchboard:


    I just tried it, Sunday, 8 p.m., and it gave an “all circuits busy” beep. I’ll try again tomorrow when the offices should be open.


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