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Obama’s Group Donated to the Former Chairman of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

October 28, 2008

 Barack Obama co-founded the Annenberg Challenge with domestic terrorist William Ayers. He served as the chairman on this foundation from 1995-2002. He also was a director on the Woods Fund. Obama likes to claim that William Ayers was just a guy in the neighborhood whose children went to the same school as Obama’s. But there is more than just a casual relationship with Ayers in Obama’s past, and  this article point out some of the radical groups that Obama helped to fund while he was a director of the Woods Fund and chairman of the Annenberg Challenge.

 ACORN received some money from Obama’s group.

The Woods Fund of Chicago, it gave $75,000 to ACORN, the voter registration group now under investigation for voter fraud in 12 states.

 That is no surprise, this has been reported before. Obama’s campaign is distancing itself from ACORN, but in a recent video that surfaced Obama tells ACORN that they will play a major roll in his decision making as president.

 The foundation also donated $6,000 to Reverend Wright and listed the donations as “for special purposes”, what could those purposes have been? Considering Wright is anti_American and a racist, who knows.

 Then there is a donation to an anti-semitic organization.

$40,000 to the Arab American Action Network, which critics have accused of being anti-Semitic.

 Perhaps that is why Obama is willing to sit down without pre-conditions with the man who called Israel a “stinking corpse” and also said that he would “wipe Israel from the face of the earth.”

 The Annenberg Challenge also gave money to a controversial group called the “South Shore African Village Collaborative.”

It also gave nearly $1 million to a group called the South Shore African Village Collaborative, whose goals, according to Annenberg’s archived Web site, are “to develop more collegial relationships between teachers and principals. Professional development topics include school leadership, team building, parent and community involvement, developing thematic units, instructional strategies, strategic planning, and distance learning and teleconferencing.”

But the group mentions other goals in its grant application to the Annenberg Challenge:

“Our children need to understand the historical context of our struggles for liberation from those forces that seek to destroy us,” one page of the application reads.

 I find the response of the executive director of the parent company of this group to be very telling.

“I don’t want to put more fuel on the fire. You can call us back after the election…. I don’t want to compromise the position.”

 It sounds to me like she knows Barack Obamawas involved with some controversial organizations and she also knows that if word gets out there that it could jeopardize the election. So she would rather say no comment, but she will gladly talk after the election when no damage can be done. What a sport. This should send up red flags, but it won’t.

 I saved this little tidbit for last.

$50,000 to the Small Schools Network — which was founded by Ayers and run by Michael Klonsky, a friend of Ayers’ and the former chairman of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist)

 His group donated $50,000 to a foundation run by the former chairman of a communist organization. Barack Obama and Joe Biden have been fending off accusations that Obama is a socialist ever since the now infamous “spread the wealth around” comment and perhaps they are telling the truth and Obama isn’t a socialist after all. Perhaps he is a communist.

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2 Comments leave one →
  1. October 28, 2008 8:55 pm

    Guilt by association FAIL.


  2. October 28, 2008 9:27 pm

    So guilt by association doesn’t matter? That would seem ironic because every Democrat running for office has used guilt by association to whichever Republican candidate they are running against to President Bush.


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