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Nancy Pelosi Secretly Tells Democrats to Support Offshore Drilling

August 5, 2008

 As the Republicans continue their protest today because house Democrats adjourned the session without voting on the offshore oil drilling bill I thought I would take the time to clarify my position. It seems by some of the comments that I have been getting that I didn’t do a good job of saying what I was trying to say.

 First let me start off by saying that yes I do support drilling for more oil. But what seems to get lost is the fact that I also support wind, solar, and yes even nuclear energy as alternatives. Drilling for oil is not THE answer but it can be part of the answer.

 Now, my position on what the Republicans are doing with this protest. I understand that oil exploration and drilling for more oil will take ten years to produce anything, I do not think that is this bill were passed tomorrow that the price of oil will drop by November. I understand also that this is a publicity stunt. When I say that this could help the Republicans in November it is because of the perception with voters who don’t pay as close attention to politics as we do. The American people support increased drilling and if they see somebody taking a stand it will make them think. That is why I believe that this issue is a win-win for the Republicans.

 I am also not the only one who believes that this perception could help Republicans in November. Nancy Pelosi also agrees and she is secretly telling Democrats that it is okay for them to vote for increased drilling if they believe it will help them get re-elected.

 the rank and file in her party increasingly are just trying to save their political hides when it comes to gas prices as Republicans apply more and more rhetorical muscle.

But what looks like intraparty tension on the surface is part of an intentional strategy in which Pelosi takes the heat on energy policy, while behind the scenes she’s encouraging vulnerable Democrats to express their independence if it helps them politically, according to Democratic aides on and off Capitol Hill.

 There you have it, another one of the points that I have been trying to make is that Democrats are more interested in winning re-election than lowering gas prices. And there is the admission that this issue could benefit Republicans. Pelosi is now telling her minions that if they need to vote for drilling than go ahead. Whatever it takes to help them politically is okay and Pelosi is will take the heat for them.

 The whole idea here is to delay any action until after the election because this is an issue that the Republicans are strong on. Democrats do not want to hand a victory to the Republicans just months before Democrats take over the whole of the government, if they delay until after the election they will be able to get full credit for any action taken. Until then Americans can just suffer with high energy prices as far as they are concerned. The party is more important than the people.

 The problem with that strategy is that they HAVE to vote on the issue before the election and that is why Pelosi is telling Democrats it’s okay to vote for drilling. If the issue is not voted on that the moratorium on offshore drilling will automatically expire.

 The Republicans hold the upper hand on this issue and so far are keeping the pressure on. Democrats are caught between a rock and a hard place.

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3 Comments leave one →
  1. Terrant permalink
    August 5, 2008 11:11 pm

    “The Republicans hold the upper hand on this issue and so far are keeping the pressure on. Democrats are caught between a rock and a hard place.”

    and the fact that they’re spineless doesn’t help either 🙂


  2. Matt permalink
    August 6, 2008 12:50 pm

    I just ran across this interesting article “Drill Here, Drill Now,” that delivered a number of interesting points about offshore drilling. One interesting fact is that 620,500 barrels of oil ooze organically from North America’s ocean floors each year, compared to the average 6,555 barrels that oil companies have spilled annually since 1998. It’s an interesting article and i suggest you read it.


  3. August 6, 2008 8:50 pm

    I saw that report on the news, it seems that mother earth is responsible for more oils spills that the oil companies. I had wanted to write a post about that but I forgpt. Thanks for the link, I will use it.


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