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Republicans Continue Protest Over Offshore Oil Drilling

August 4, 2008

 In a continuance of the Republican protest of last Friday when the house adjourned without voting on the energy crisis, Republicans today returned to the house to debate the energy bill. Even though Democrats are gone and the house is adjourned Republicans today showed up to do the work of the American people.

 This is a publicity stunt, I admit it, but it could be more than that. This is also an attempt by the Republicans to force Nancy Pelosi into re-adjourning the house for an emergency session on the energy crisis. This is a win-win situation for the Republicans.

 Democrats are not interested in helping the American people with energy and gas costs before the election because they are afraid that this will help Republicans in November, so to them it’s “fuck the people, we have to save our own asses.” That is why they adjourned before this issue was addressed but Republicans are not going to go quietly. There is no way that the Democrats can acquiesce to this ploy because of the victory it will hand the Republicans, however if the public puts enough pressure on them perhaps they will.

 Here is a statement from Duncan Hunter:

“It’s very important that the speaker come back, bring this House back into session, and do the responsible thing, which is to … increase the independence of the United States with respect to petroleum.

 Republicans are trying to force the hand of the Democrats, they are trying to make them put their money where there mouths are. Democrats have been saying for years that we have to do something about the energy crisis, yet when they had the chance they adjourned the house and did nothing. Now Republicans are trying to hold their feet to the fire.

 It is about time.

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11 Comments leave one →
  1. Terrant permalink
    August 4, 2008 9:02 pm

    With as much money the republicans get from Big Oil, I’m sorry but this NOT about the little guy. This about keeping the boss happy and keeping the money stole from the little guy through market manipulation flowing into their pockets.


  2. August 5, 2008 12:32 am

    If you think the Republican’s bill would affect the price of gas in November by a penny, you’re delusional. Wake up and smell the BS.

    It’s funny that the Republicans blocked the bill proposed by the Democrats a week and a half ago that would force the oil companies to fully exploit the government lands that already have been allocated to them. Why would the Republicans do this unless their intrests were only for Big Oil, their campaign contributers?

    And for the record drilling oil off shore and in ANWAR doesn’t make us more “energy independent” either. The US government isn’t doing the drilling, it’s the big corporations and all of the oil they pump gets dumped on the global market giving the US only as much oil as they choose to buy.

    I hate to break this to the American public, and the delusional Republicans especially, but it doesn’t matter how much oil we drill, high oil prices are here to stay. In fact, I expect energy in general to continue growing more expensive for a few decades to come.

    Also, this isn’t an “energy crisis.” This is just market forces reacting to increased demand (and increased speculation thanks to the Enron loophole courtesy of Republicans). The real energy crisis is still looming in the distance and could be quite a fiasco unless we make plans for replacing our non-renewable energy sources with renewable ones.


  3. August 5, 2008 4:13 am

    JC, I wrote that this is a publicity stunt. I know it won’t change the gas prices before November.


  4. August 5, 2008 6:09 pm

    The only energy or oil monopoly in this country is a governmental institutionalized monopoly on our country energy market. The legislative branch has been engaging in anti-competitive energy practices from drilling to building new refineries and much more. They are in clear violation of the

    “Sherman Antitrust Act
    This Act expresses our national commitment to a free market economy in which competition free from private and governmental restraints leads to the best results for consumers.”

    Clearly the governmental restraint are in violation of a free market economy and is criminal negligence on the part of the liberal politicians who are the real cartel that profit in taxes more then 3 to 1 to the oil companies that actually work for their money and then have to pay taxes on top of that. So when Oil profits go up the tax revenue increase is 3 times that of the oil companies. So who do you think is the real cartel???

    This criminal incompetence of the democrats and legislative politicians anti free market energy economy in allowing American companies to meet American Oil needs is in need of change and with bush opening up offshore drilling it is time that we conservatives take a page from the left wing play book and for us to us the judicial system in upholding our laws and open up drilling.

    Why dose the Senate call for investigations on big oil? Because they are trying to transfer the blame off of them by placing the blame on someone else. By placing the blame on the oil companies and keep people from seeing that government is the true problem they are able to offer false hope in an effort to gain more power and money from taxes while eliminating a free market economy in our country and forcing us to send our money to unfriendly Middle Eastern countries.

    Why should we drill?
    1) Create more high paying jobs for Americans
    2) Become energy independent and stop sending $700 billion to middle eastern countries that support terrorism
    3) Invest the $700 billion in America
    4) $700 billion is 6% of the yearly US economy, and investing this in America would do what to our economy? Lower inflation and strengthen the US dollar?
    5) Instantly drop the price of oil because oil Speculators like me would invest in commodity producers that provide the product like Exxon, Chevron, BP, Shell, because this is the smart investment. When Oil Speculators transfer investments the Oil price falls on the stock market.


  5. August 7, 2008 3:17 pm

    I, for one, am THRILLED to finally see the Republicans taking the offensive instead of the defensive stance on a very important issue.

    For the Democrats, it’s a classic case of, like you said -“F— the people, we have to save our own asses.” It shouldn’t come as any shock – welcome to America these days, makes me sick.

    Publicity stunt or no, I think they’re doing the right thing.


  6. August 7, 2008 7:17 pm

    That is so right Angi. It is good to see them finally stop cowering in the corner and stand up for themselves. I sit here and “fight” for the Republicans and was really getting tired of them not making an attempt at fighting for themselves.



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