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Wake Up America Un-endorses Hillary Clinton

March 27, 2008

hillaryrealbad.jpg On March 14th I endorsed Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama for the Democrat nomination. This was not easy for me to do, and I have felt dirty ever since. After Obama’s pastor’s videos surfaced on the internet I could no longer route for him to beat Hillary. I found his anti-American hatred to be troubling to say the least.

 Naturally I wasn’t endorsing Hillary for president, I was just urging Democrats to vote for her over Obama. As I have written before, watching Hillary’s downfall in the primaries is slightly erotic but the eroticism was tempered by the fact that someone who may be as anti-American as Obama (judging by the man he considers his spiritual leader and great friend) would be the beneficiary of a Hillary defeat.

 Last week Hillary made the absurd claim that when her helicopter landed in Bosnia in 1996 she came under sniper fire. This was immediately disproved by video of her and Chelsea hugging children and in no danger. She was using this trip to Bosnia, and the sniper fire she encountered as proof that she is ready to lead on day one.

 We all know that the Clinton’s have make an art out of lying, this comes as no surprise. But the sheer arrogance of this woman is astounding. She lied about an experience that she knew was being filmed for public relation reasons and either thought she wouldn’t be caught or figured the American people were to stupid to care.

 If she would lie about something as easy to disprove as something like this, what else would she be willing to lie about? Nothing that the former first lady says can be trusted.

 The Clinton’s will stop at nothing to regain the power they so desperately crave, including “misspeaking” about something so easily disproved as a trip we are supposed to believe qualifies her to be president. I still can’t figure out exactly how this trip makes her qualified to be president.

I also can’t understand how she thinks we are so stupid to think that we would believe that the president of the United States of America would send her into a region that she claimed was as unstable as Bosnia if there was a threat of sniper fire. We are to believe that Bill Clinton would send his wife to a place that was too dangerous for him to go personally. And would also okay his daughter to visit if it was this unsafe?

 I can no longer endorse, no matter how flimsy my endorsement was, a woman who holds the intelligence of the American people so low. It is with great pleasure that I now un-endorse Hillary Clinton for the Democrat nomination.

 I feel cleaner already.

12 Comments leave one →
  1. March 27, 2008 9:03 pm

    Welcome back.


  2. Shagata Ganai permalink
    March 27, 2008 9:16 pm

    Yeah, but do you feel any smarter?


  3. Jon permalink
    March 27, 2008 9:37 pm

    What drivel, and what trivial issues to change your endorsements over. Guilt by association, and a known truth-challenged politician exaggerating their past activities / heroism.

    In your case, Clinton’s view of the people’s intelligence might well be right.


  4. March 27, 2008 9:44 pm

    Jay, thanks, it’s good to be back. I don’t think I was ever really gone. 🙂
    Jon and SG, I never really endorsed her, it was just an endosement of sorts over Obama. I would never vote for Hillary. I was just urging Democrats to vote for her. If you have read any of my other posts you would have seen that.


  5. March 27, 2008 9:51 pm

    Oh, and by the way Jon, I did get a chucle out of your dig on me. I don’t take myself serious enough as to not get a laugh when someone gets a good shot in on me.


  6. March 28, 2008 10:59 am

    Welcome back to the fold of those shaking there heads at the triple whammy of options.

    Before it was a bit easier determining which was the lesser evil.

    Now we can safely conclude we are screwed no matter which option we pick.

    So is it
    A) Anti-American smooth talking orator?
    B) Megalomaniac Communist?
    C) Megalomaniac Economic Nitwit?
    D) None of the above – Fill in at the time?


  7. March 28, 2008 7:22 pm

    Obama, HRC, Gore(!) – all of them stretch the truth to suit their purposes…that is, when the truth is around. And when there is no truth, just make it up!!

    Why are the Democrats putting up such idiotic candidates? Surely they can do better!!

    But then again, the Republicans aren’t doing much better…


  8. March 28, 2008 8:17 pm

    ” I feel cleaner already.”



  9. Deb permalink
    March 29, 2008 7:23 am

    Can she really, really think that all Americans are that stupid? Or is it the blind adoration she’s counting on? I betcha I know! She hears a lot of libs say how much they loved Bill & how great of a pres. he was (barf) even with all of his “transgressions”, and she thinks, I stuck with this a-hole, those damn people better vote me in! Can you imagine the delicious hatred they probably have for one another? What acting!!!


  10. be an unbiased critical thinker! permalink
    April 8, 2008 9:50 pm

    This is insanity, you would rather endorse a man who is questionably on the side of our enemy over a pressured women?

    No matter how you view either obama or hillary, one thing is for certain…the president should be the best student of our law. I would challenge you to pick accordingly.


  11. use reason permalink
    April 8, 2008 9:55 pm

    I have a question for the man who created this article…Have you ever lied when put under extreme pressure?

    just a thought… does your conscious bother you?–come on tell me true!


  12. April 8, 2008 10:10 pm

    Critical thinker, I am not voting for Obama, I am not voting for Clinton, hell I am not voting for McCain! This was tongue in cheek as was my initial endorsement of Hillary! If you had read any other post here you would see that I trully support neither of them. I still can’t believe I have to keep saying this.

    Use reason, no. Lying under pressure is no excuse to lie. In fact it shows a charater flaw that she feels she has to lie when under pressure. She can’t be trusted.


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