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Iran is Teaching Children the Virtues of Jihad

March 16, 2008

 This is an article that I have been meaning to write about for a week but it slipped to the back burner with all of the Barack Obama news concerning his racist “reverend.” But now is the time to write about this subject. The subject at hand is the fact that Iranian schools, and presumably other Middle Eastern schools  in my opinion, are teaching their children the virtues on Jihad.

When third grade school children in Iran turn to page 113 of their textbook “Let’s Read,” they find a passage that says, “At that time, the Israeli officer pounded (three-year-old) Muhammad’s head with the rifle’s stock and his warm blood sprinkled upon his (six-year-old brother) Khaled’s hands.”

 In another third-grade text, “Gifts of Heavan,” an illustration of a monster wearing the Star of David is seen going through a tidy Muslim town leaving garbage everywhere.

 That is the kind of hatred that is being taught to THIRD GRADERS in Iran. As bad as that seems, as bad as the hatred that is being taught to little children seems, it just gradually grows more and more hateful as the children grow older.

The seventh grade text “Islamic Culture and Religious Instruction,” which refers to the West and Israel as the “Arrogant Ones,” tells students that war is unavoidable and victory is guaranteed “in order to continue with all our power our revolution against the Arrogant Ones and the oppressors.”

An eighth grade text says the “army of Islam would make the Arrogant Ones fall in holy Jihad and heavy attack.”

 And then these children get to high school.

On page 20 of the high school textbook “Humanities,” the United States is described as an “imperialist country” that “does not refrain from massacring people, from burying alive soldiers of the opposite side and from using mass-destruction weapons. It makes use of atomic bombs. … It creates the greatest dictatorships and the violent and torturous security-oriented regimes, and defends them.”

 This is what is being taught to Middle Eastern children.This is not being taught to them for any other reason than the fact that Jihadists believe that the Koran compels them to spread Islam across the globe. Jihadists also believe it is perfectly acceptable to spread the word of Muhammad through violence and they are teaching their children this violence on a daily basis.

 This is what we are at war with, it is more than just a struggle between good and bad, right and wrong, and America vs Iraq. We are at war with an ideology that believes it is their God given right to either convert or kill infidels. We are the infidels. That is what they are teaching their children, indoctrinating their children into this hatred from the time they are born. Their children know nothing other that what they are taught, and they are being taught to hate us.

 This will not go away after the election when George Bush is gone from power. This is not a problem based on our foreign policy, it is a problem based on ideology. Ideology that will not go away just because George Bush is no longer the president.

 Let’s just hope the next president has the balls (sorry Hillary) to look Jihadists in the eye and continue the fight for the American way.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. March 17, 2008 1:39 pm

    Here we agree with each other. At last! Anyone who spreads hatred like this is damning our kids (kids of the world) to their death. Man. Those guys are sick to do this. I look at my little ones and wonder why people can’t just let them grow up in peace. I did a piece over the weekend where my daughter made a picture of MLK Jr and he was white. And because I know her intentions I had no problem with that.


  2. March 17, 2008 8:03 pm

    Too many people don’t understand the hatred that the Jihadist have towards our whole culture. They think if we ignore them that they will go away.
    Can you imagine the hatred that one must feel to take an innocent child and teach them this hate? It is going to be difficult to defeat the Jihadists because they are making sure that their future generations feel the same way that they do. It seems as the world is moving forward, but they are staying behind. They seem unwilling to advance into the modern age. It is sad that people can harbor, and breed this kind of hatred.


  3. March 17, 2008 10:26 pm

    “Most of the books reviewed in the study had been published in 2004”

    wow….this is very very very disturbing. hate mongers are dangerous, whether overseas or in our backyard.


  4. Deb permalink
    March 18, 2008 6:57 am

    And this is their religion? they will be rewarded by who? Allah? for murder, violence and hatred? Any person with an IQ above 85 knows it is common sense that the only person you hurt with anger and hatred is yourself.


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