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Barack Obama’s Racist “Reverend”

March 13, 2008

 Barack Obama attended the Trinity United Church of Christ for twenty years. The reverend of that church, who until he recently retired, was Jeremiah Wright. Barack Obama has called “Reverend” Wright his spiritual leader. Obama was also married by the great “reverend.”

 This is what the so-called reverend said about Hillary Clinton during a sermon:

“Barack knows what it means living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich white people,” Wright said. “Hillary would never know that.

“Hillary ain’t never been called a nigger. Hillary has never had a people defined as a non-person.”

“Hillary is married to Bill, and Bill has been good to us. No he ain’t! Bill did us, just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riding dirty”

 Now that is full of the love of God, isn’t it? If you think that is much adu about nothing, just watch the video below. Update: the original video I posted was removed by youtube, I have replaced it with the following video.

 The “reverend” is dividing America between whites and blacks. He calls America the U.S. of KKKA. He says instead of singing “God Bless America” we should sing Goddamn America. This gives us a little more perspective on why Michelle Obama said that for the first time in her adult life she is proud of her country. This is the man that married Michelle and Barack, if she has been listening to his bullshit all these years it is no wonder that she isn’t proud of the country that put her through college. She probably has the same disdain for the country that the “reverend” has.

 The “reverend” then goes on to basically say that America brought on the terror attacks of 9/11. Back in October I posted about how Barack Obama took of his lapel flag pin after September 11th, on February 13th, I posted about one of Obama’s campaign headquarters displaying the communist flag. In this post I also included a video where Obama refuses to put his hand over his heart, and looking disinterested and bored, during the playing of the national anthem. These posts were met with mixed reactions. But many people thought neither issue a big deal.

 I now ask all of you who thought it wasn’t a big deal for Obama to remove the flag pin from his lapel after 9/11 if you still think it isn’t a big deal. Now that you now Obama’s spiritual leader thinks we deserved 9/11, do you think that maybe Obama believes we deserved it also? Could that be why he removed the pin? Could that be why he doesn’t place his hand over his heart during the national anthem?

Can we really have a couple like this in the white house? A first lady that appears to loathe the country, and a president who quite possible believes we deserved to be attacked?

31 Comments leave one →
  1. thatsrightnate permalink
    March 13, 2008 9:33 pm

    Don’t be fooled. I thought you had more sense that that. That’s not Obama’s reverend. Obama’s a muslim.


  2. March 13, 2008 9:39 pm

    I almost mentioned his middle name, but then I remembered that would be an attack on him, so I didn’t. 🙂


  3. staycspits permalink
    March 13, 2008 9:55 pm

    Obama’s not a muslim nor was the Pastor’s comments dividing America…in case you haven’t noticed America maintains a support orders that crosses color lines and largely seperates the haves from the have nots. And, Wright is correct, Hillary will never know what it feels like to be called the N-word. Never. One thing that this election continues to illuminate is the stark differences in our country. Thomas Jefferson said dissent is the true aspect of patriotism. Yet, you would never know this by the why our country has carried itself post-9/11. Certainly, I was hurt , moved, and angered. However, I never thought that I could not be critical of our leadership or the direction our country is headed. This is not a liberal or conservative issue. It is an American issue. Both sides of the fence have a lot of work to do and are hypocritcal in their own right. Our continues reliance on Ferraro and Wright distract us from the real work we need to do. We have a dollar with less power, gas prices increasing by the moment, and people losing their homes b/c of agreements that never meant to benefit them but the wall street crowd. What the hell! Am I alone…we have work to do America. Our drop-out rate is abysmal…we will not be able to compete in a moment. This is what makes me scared. I feel sorry for individuals who have not had experiences that remove them from their comfort zones and make them think broader. Peace and love. I pray for others to acquire a broader sense and empathy for our global society.


  4. staycspits permalink
    March 13, 2008 9:56 pm

    For more analysis…


  5. Deb permalink
    March 14, 2008 3:11 pm

    Is this the takedown of Obama? Is the Clinton machine behind all this? Talk about audacity. God damn America? IMO, this statement borders on treason. But for the 1st amendment. And for all of those (myself included) a little too humble, self-depricating folks, I thought Audacity was a negative concept.


  6. March 14, 2008 3:36 pm

    And now there is talk of Michigan redoing their Democrat vote in June – Will there be anything left of Hillary or Obama to take on McCain when the Democrat dust settles?

    Because it sure sounds like they are spotting McCain a huge campaign advantage by ripping each other to shreds for such a long duration.

    As for this pastor / preacher, he best guard his mouth lest Hillary sicks the IRS on him for breaking the church political tax gag.

    But if this is who the Obama’s got their inspiration from then that would be frightening.


  7. March 14, 2008 8:41 pm

    The Clinton machine could be behind it, after all what else could have convinced ABC to go after a good liberal like Obama if it wasn’t Hillary?
    It is pretty frightening Gary. This is someone Obama calls a good friend, he has to be influential to Obama.


  8. Robin Henderson permalink
    March 14, 2008 10:33 pm

    This is very disturbing, especially the anti-sematic veiws that are being tabled by this church, if that is indeed what it is. God Himself told Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you”(speaking of Israel). If Obama wins the White House, and this kind of hatred for the Jews becomes the norm, I really fear God may well turn His face against this nation. Perhaps this explains why The United States, (search the scriptures for yourselves, please) is never mentioned in Bible Prophecy. May God continue to bless America.


  9. Dianne Welch permalink
    March 15, 2008 12:13 am

    I have said from the beginning that Obama scares me. He was too perfect and the media was just pushing him. I can and would vote for an African American. Being a Democrate I would have voted for Colin Powel. Even though he is a republican.He is a patriot. We need a patriot for president. Someone who would look after our interests as Americans not white, black or spanish, but as Americans. Obama I believe has more interest in Africa than America. His rev. stand on Israel is beyond belief. God help us all if he is elected.


  10. March 15, 2008 11:13 am

    Youtube took the video down! What’s up with that!


  11. Meagan permalink
    March 15, 2008 9:46 pm

    in response to Stacyspits. People need to learn to take resposibility for their mistakes. What does the Senator’s blatantly disturbing racism have to do with the millions of Americans who foolishly bit off more than they could chew in the housing boom? If your children are dropping out of school – put them back in. If your neighbor’s children are dropping out, then shame on your neighbor – they should be better parents. When you point the finger at the government for everything that goes wrong in life, then ask the government to fix those problems, you are relinqushing certain freedoms for yourself. One freedom is the freedom to choose whether or not to have “empathy for the global society”. I agree that we all should have empathy, but should we all be forced to have a rigid amount of empathy? I donate to charity, but would resent having my paycheck reduced through taxes in an effort to force donations for people who are falling through the darwinian cracks in evolution. My ancestors survived the holocaust, and 2000 years of persecution – but I don’t dwell on that and use the misfortunes of my bloodline as an excuse to verbally abuse Germans and Egyptians. There comes a point where enough is enough. African Americans as a group of people who have been persecuted have recieved more retribution than any other persecuted groups. My daughter is bi-racial – her father and I and happily married, but it would sicken both of us if she ever tried to advance her place in life by using the “race card”. I think the edges of that card are becoming very frayed from a societal stand point.


  12. Meagan permalink
    March 15, 2008 10:12 pm

    As an addtion to the above – I was once so poor I couldn’t afford milk – let alone health care. Did I sit on my butt and blame the government, and wonder why nobody felt obligated to take care of me? No! I worked my butt off, slept very little, lived within my means, saved money instead of running up credit like so many americans do and eventually bought a house, a car (upfront – not a lease), and compiled furniture over the years. I teach highschool now. I see children everyday (and parents too) who have a riduculous sense of entitlement. So, no… I don’t want my tax money going to people who feel like “the governement owes” them. I work hard for my money. I could have given up and sat back and wondered why other people have things and I don’t – like so many people do these days – but I didn’t. I tell my highschool children to stay in school, and give bleak descriptions of what a drop-outs life would be, but if they insist on laziness and satisfying themsleves in the now – and their parents don’t reinforce my teachings – then “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink” and “you can only help those who want to help themselves”. How much resposibility can hard working citizens take for the apathetic, “entitled” segment of society? By the way, Pinkeyes, bravo on your service for our country. My husband was an Army Ranger and paid dearly for his services to the citizens of the US. Ungrateful bigots like this “Reverend” contribute to the sickening degradation of our society. This is not a black and white issue – it is ignorance and racism. Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling over in his grave right about now.


  13. March 16, 2008 6:15 am

    Meagan, that was very well said. This whole entitlement mentallity is going to ruin America. More and more people think that they should have everything handed to them and are not willing to work for what they want. Americans are becoming more lazy every day.
    Too many people have built-in excuses for why they can’t succeed, but haven’t actually made the effort to succeed. They give up before they get up.
    It’s good to know we still have teachers out there like you.
    Thanks for the compliment!


  14. March 16, 2008 8:33 pm

    Okay… So first he is a Muslim and now a radical Christian. Come on guys. Make up your mind here. You can’t have it both ways.
    Oh, sorry – you are just defending your love for Bill, right?
    But lets go back to hatred. Let’s take the Bible and see how the Republican Right breaks them. NOTE: NOT THE REPUBLICAN CHRISTIANS – JUST THE REPUBLICAN CHRISTIAN RIGHT. Mud goes both ways. But if someone uses God to justifies their hate then I have the right to judge – because he is my God as well.
    Wright is wrong and Obama said so. When are the CHRISTIAN RIGHT going to come out and speak out against those who did the same in their name? How do these so-called Christians break the Commandments? More in my blog.
    Note: Am I allowed to make a link to my blog in a comment? My apologies if not – will refrain in future.


  15. March 16, 2008 9:04 pm

    No problem leaving a link angryafrican, I like the debate.
    When you say that I am defending my love for Bill, are you referring to Clinton? Because that is definately not the case. Also I don’t think I ever posted about Obama being a Muslim, to tell you the truth I don’t care about anybody’s religion when it come to politics, only what their positions are on the issues. I was a Romney supporter until he dropped out, and I didn’t care in the least that he was a Mormon, which is considered a cult by many “Christians”
    I am not a member of what you call the Christian right, I base my vote on who best represents my ideals, not who is the “most Christian.”


  16. March 17, 2008 3:57 pm

    Thanks – the Bill reference was a bit tongue in cheek from me. We agree on many things. Let me quote your “about me” section and leave the bits where we agree
    I am a fiscal conservative, and moderate on social issues.

    If a state rules abortion is legal in their state, and a woman wants an abotion in that state I don’t believe I have the right to say she can’t.

    I don’t care if someone is a homosexual.

    I don’t believe in the welfare state.

    I am tough on illegal immigration. I believe illegal aliens should be deported when arrested. And I believe companies who hire them should face criminal action also.

    I don’t believe government should make laws to protect people from their own stupidity. In other words the Nanny State.I don’t believe the government has the right to regulate smoking in private buisnesses, seatbelts in cars, transfats, and the like.

    I don’t believe in high taxes for social programs.

    I am a beer drinking, (SUV) driving, and damn proud of it.

    Okay – we miss each other on some of the details. But I think we would still enjoy having that beer together. If you ever come down to Massachusetts let me know. Maybe we can have that beer together. And talk red Sox or anything other than politics.


  17. March 17, 2008 7:57 pm

    It seems we have more in common than I would have guessed. 🙂 I am in Massachusetts quite a bit, I saw on your blog you are living in Boston, perhaps some day we can meet to have a beer. Until then, I tip the one I have right now to you. Go Red Sox!


  18. March 17, 2008 9:20 pm

    been a while since I’ve been here but I’ll start by saying “Go Red Sox!” in response to the last few posts since I lived in Boston and the surrounding area for 6 years until 2 years ago.

    That said, I didn’t see what was racist about what Rev. Wright said (I’m commenting on your quotes since I can’t watch the video now). Isn’t America run by rich white men for the most part? This is a generalization but it has a mighty punch of truth behind it and the truth is not racist. White people should not feel offended by this truth.

    Hillary has never been called a nigger. I have. I am black. That’s beside the point. I don’t know what its like to be white and can’t expect a white person to know what it’s like to be black. I can only wish color didn’t matter and that people didn’t think they were better than me or that I have only achieved what I have because of affirmative action (which I am against).

    I agree this reverend is not really preaching the love of Christ. But if people have a problem with this, they haven’t been in church lately. I’ve never attended a black church except a few times with some friends. My family went to mostly white non-denominational churches. Including mega-churches in Nashville,TN (8 years) and Oklahoma (until I went to college in Boston). I grew up hearing all sorts of political rhetoric on the pulpit that should not have been there. That’s why I tell everyone (you heard it from me first!) that pastor’s are essentially like politicians. Only, they have it easier! Their sermons are tailored to their own political beliefs. I grew up hearing too many sermons about “support the president no matter what because he is the ‘head’ and God wants us to be submissive to authority”. Funnily, the pastor stopped preaching this while Clinton was in office. Then the sermons were “pray for God to deliver us!”. I’m in my mid-20s and still remember these sermons. Pastor’s are people. People who expect us to forgive them when they turn out to be gay and having a gay affair (y’all know this happens alot). Of course, they turn straight again and go back to “ministering” to the rest of us. Judge not lest you be judged.

    Rev. Wright should learn some grammar and save his politics for his home. I am troubled that Obama knew him for 20 years and yet shies away from the comments. He called this man a mentor! It would be one thing if he just went to church (like most of us do/did). But this man mentored him, he had to have been exposed to some of this anger in 20 years.

    Finally, I can’t get too upset because after moving to Quebec and experiencing even more racism, I finally understand angry black people. It’s a terrible feeling to feel victimized, to feel other people making you into being a criminal and they don’t even know you. That makes me angry. But I and many other blacks choose or have to choose to forgive and not let race rule our lives. Bitterness is gratifying but living bitterly is not living.
    Long rant over!


  19. March 17, 2008 9:45 pm

    you dont say, I have found a new video of Obama’s reverend that I have replaced the old one with in this post. You should be able to watch it now.
    In this new video I put up he says the government created AIDS to kill minorities, among other things. He is dividing Americans by color, he seems to be trying to alienate black people. I am sorry that you have been the victim of racism, I can’t believe we still haven’t gotten past race yet. Your right, I can never understand what you have had to go through.
    What is just as offensive to me is the anti-Americanism that he spouts in this video.
    Go Red Sox. If you are ever back in the Boston area perhaps you could also come have a beer, or whatever you prefer, with me and angryafrican!


  20. March 17, 2008 10:11 pm

    thanks mrpinkeyes! I just watched the video. wow, this is a church? Not a political rally? pastors and politicians….two peas in a pod.

    This reverend makes some incendiary remarks that I think do merit academic debate, even if they are inflammatory. For example, we did bomb Hiroshima. There were no WMD in Iraq and the tenuous (thats generous) link between Al Qaeda and Sadam Hussein (who we propped into power) has led us into a trillion plus dollar nightmare. We didn’t go in to fight Islamofascism and thats what we’ve ended up having to do. The US sure does not have a blameless past.

    However, anyone who takes joy or shows glee in the sorrow of another (9/11 or any other event) is disturbing. I really dislike when people enjoy the downfall of anyone one else. The US has done things we Americans should NOT be proud of. There’s lots I only know because I like to read history and I wasn’t taught in school. Maybe those things were done to keep us at the top. Maybe to keep our economy going. There aren’t any blameless among any of us. I don’t want America to be damned and would not damn the country that has provided opportunities to me and so many others. I’m proud to be American! The country of the can-do spirit (as I like to tell the socialists up here in Canada).

    You know I would have said creating AIDS was crazy if I didn’t find out in high school about the US govt/army infecting black men with syphilis. Hard to trust the government after that, right?

    I DONT believe the gov’t created AIDS but I see why some blacks would buy that. I mean, after the syphilis thing, it would be hard not to be wary. Another argument for smaller government.


  21. Jan permalink
    March 18, 2008 9:58 am

    1. if you wear condoms, you likely won’t get aids. So… be educated and wear condoms if you’re going to be having sex. It’s that simple, and any race or nationality or creed won’t be disproportionately infected with aids. duh.

    I’m sure the gay community would like to keep that observation as their own, that Reagan let aids go to get rid of the homosexuals. Point is, quit complaining about stupid stuff.

    The other point is: if clips were posted on YouTube with John McCann’s 20+ year pastor screaming anti-American rants, ripping on his competitors about their gender, color, etc…. McCann would be demolished, and so he should be.


    That’s “PERSON”. Not black, not white, not male, not female, not Jewish, not muslim, not anything. Just a PERSON. You can’t vote for ANY PERSON who believes in that. PERIOD.


  22. ruby33 permalink
    March 18, 2008 10:07 am

    We bombed Hiroshima, but the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor first. I’m not justifying it, it’s a horrible response.

    Supposedly Osama bin Laden etc. basically bombed us on 9/11. So we went over and took over Iraq (wrong country). I think I just want people to think of things in context of the past and the present. Rev. Wright cries about slavery, but slavery was ended over 200 years ago. Is it going to take time for a community to recover from that? Yes – but I never hear about how things have changed for the better from blacks, only how ‘oh poor us, life still sucks here in America because we’re black.’ Get over it, people, you’re tearing yourselves down. Be proud for all you’ve accomplished, your children have more advantages than you had, and you had more than your grandparents, and that is called progress. Why can’t I ever hear about the progress blacks have made? Instead of constantly dredging up the past.


  23. March 18, 2008 10:48 pm

    im a white american and all i got to say is that i would never vote for obama because i dont feel safe having a president that thinks only black people have had it bad in there lifes ive had it just as bad as them but they


  24. Arun permalink
    March 20, 2008 1:25 am

    Well mark my words,

    Obama will win Pennsylvania cause its a closed primary.

    And the Clinton campaign must have put this out now, cause if it was the republicans they would have waited until sometime in October.

    First off, if you want to criticize me, please quote my claim directly above your criticism. I am trying as hard as i can to be objective here, so please respect my effort.

    Well where do i start…

    First off i think it is undeniable to say that blacks of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s generation are legitimately angry.

    if one were to look at his birth date “September 22, 1941”

    and relate other important dates

    Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954)

    The Voting Rights Act of 1965.

    and also relate clear instances of racism:-


    I dono about you but, i would be clearly disgruntled.

    As for Obama’s own views, i don’t think that they are even remotely close to the Reverend. lets not be dumb here. he has lived for 46 years, he must have written countless pieces of material, given many lectures as professor etc. I don’t think that anyone has unearthed any statements by Obama even remotely resembling the Reverand’s views.

    To still conclude that Obama has been hiding his true feelings cause he was planing to run for president since he was 20 is absurd.

    Finally lets engage in a logical exercise…

    Many here think that most poor ppl are lazy or morally lacking.


    It is undeniable that Blacks as a race are much worser economic condition than whites.


    US census beureau

    Now, you can say that well ” ohh they are lazy” “i was not lazy and poor before but i am well off now”

    But why are they lazy – is it because they are Black.

    i would guess that your answer could be because their parents are not “civilized” Ok, well is that because they are black, or perhaps maybe their culture.

    but it is irrelevant i think. No matter what their parents are, i think that their Children should not pay.

    After all we exploited em for over 200 years, in my view we should make up for that and offer them more incentives i.e. more aggressive affirmative action etc. Until they equalize with wights.




  25. June 27, 2008 9:24 pm

    I peronally do not believe O’bama will ever become president because of the powers to be and the vision that they foresaw in putting all of the bumps in the road. Programs such as the King Alfred Plan rex 84, the trilateral commission, the New World Order, the Committee of 300. There is just no way that white America is going to give that kind of power to an Afro-American; in this life-time or any other. If i under-stand the patriot act correctly, Bush can create a crisis and continue in the presidency beyond his term, think about that! People need to pay more attention to the bills being passed in the House instead of watching TV and these talk shows. This religious thing is another Gimmick. The Bible isn’t even 500 years old, so how can it possibly be the word of GOD? further more 85% of it is written in the third person. Shakespeare and his gay co-horts such as Francis Bacon were commissioned to write the Bible in the year 1600 and they among others took 11 years to bring it to publication the year 1611.


  26. June 27, 2008 9:27 pm

    P.S. How in the hell can we be lazy when we built this country?


    • kdg1987 permalink
      September 19, 2009 1:20 am

      Yes, slaves helped build the country but those African Americans are long gone. Today we do have many black people as well as white people who are lazy. I am not racist in no way to be correct I am mixed. I just really dislike when people bring slavery up because it has nothing to do with how lazy some black Americans are. Just because our ancestors built the country does not mean that black Americans are not lazy. It has been a long time since slavery so the way that black Americans are today in no way have a connection to the way black people were during slavery.


  27. March 11, 2009 4:01 am

    Every time i come here I am not dissapointed, nice post



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