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All Hail John Murtha, the King of Pork!

February 21, 2008

in-murtha2.jpg Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t one of the Democrat’s promises during the 2006 election to reign in out of control spending? The answer to that is, YES. So how have they fared with this promise? Not so well evidently.

 John Murtha ( Democrat, Pennsylvania) was named by a taxpayer watchdog group called Citizens Against Government Waste as this year’s “Porker of the Year” award winner. Congratulations are in order for John Murtha, as this was a long and hard fought battle, but he managed to outspend all other representatives on his way to being the most wasteful spender of all.

In FY 2008, which began last October, Murtha secured 72 earmarks worth $149.2 million

 Here is the official announcement from CAGW:

“For flouting the rules and playing games with reform, while filing spending bills with pork and arrogantly threatening anyone that challenges his authority, Rep. Jack Murtha is the 2007 Porker of the Year,”

“Rep. Jack Murtha has long been known inside the Beltway for using threats, power plays, and backroom deals to control spending decisions,”

“There is an area of the House floor known as ‘Murtha’s corner,’ where the legendary appropriator dispenses earmarks. The overwhelming vote for Porker of the Year vote shows that his shameful behavior is attracting attention throughout the country,” it added.

 Another broken promise by the Democrats and their do nothing congress that was sent to Washington in 2006 to change Washington’s ways. Instead they have succumbed to the party insiders as most THINKING voters knew they would. There was never any way that the new members of congress would buck the party insiders and still be supported by those same insiders when their re-election came up.

 Read my source material here

2 Comments leave one →
  1. February 21, 2008 11:05 pm

    good garsh why does he keep turnin up like a bad penny!:)


  2. Kirkrrt permalink
    February 22, 2008 12:43 pm

    both parties are full of self interested politicians and it doesn’t matter who is in charge.


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